1. Specify a MIDI Output device to which you will send the timecode and a Frame rate for the timecode. These options can be found on the Sync page of the Preferences dialog.

  1. From the Options menu, choose Timecode, and choose Generate MIDI Timecode from the submenu.

    will generate MTC starting wherever you click Play Vegas Pro b play Generate MIDI Timecode.

To view the outgoing timecode, right-click the Time Display and choose MIDI Timecode Out from the shortcut menu. The text will now display the outgoing MTC time.

Vegas Pro viewmidioutput Generate MIDI Timecode

Generate MIDI Timecode

Vegas Pro b generatemiditimecode Generate MIDI Timecode


Options Menu

From the Options menu, choose Timecode, and choose Generate MIDI Timecode from the submenu if you want to generate MIDI timecode (MTC) when you click Play Vegas Pro b play Generate MIDI Timecode.

MIDI timecode (MTC) is a standard timecode that most applications and some hardware devices will use to synchronize themselves.

What do you want to do?

Vegas Pro arrowdn Generate MIDI Timecode Generate MIDI timecode

Vegas Pro arrowdn Generate MIDI Timecode View outgoing timecode

Vegas Pro btnshowall Generate MIDI Timecode

Generate MIDI Timecode