1. Specify a MIDI Output device to which you will send the clock. This option can be found on the Sync page of the Preferences dialog.

  2. From the Options menu, choose Timecode, and choose Generate MIDI Clock from the submenu.

    will generate MIDI clock when you click Play Vegas Pro b play Generate MIDI Clock.

To view the outgoing clock, right-click the Time Display and choose MIDI Clock Out from the shortcut menu. The text will now display the outgoing MIDI clock time.

Vegas Pro viewmidioutput Generate MIDI Clock

Generate MIDI Clock

Vegas Pro b generatemidiclock Generate MIDI Clock


Options Menu

From the Options menu, choose Timecode, and choose Generate MIDI Clock from the submenu if you want to generate MIDI clock when you click Play Vegas Pro b play Generate MIDI Clock.

MIDI clock differs from MIDI timecode in that it contains tempo as well as positional information. MIDI clock is essentially measured in ticks from the beginning of the project. MIDI clock sends 24 ticks per quarter note, and the tick length is dependent on the Measures and Beats settings on the Ruler tab of the Project Properties dialog.

What do you want to do?

Vegas Pro arrowdn Generate MIDI Clock Generate MIDI clock

Vegas Pro arrowdn Generate MIDI Clock View outgoing MIDI clock

Vegas Pro btnshowall Generate MIDI Clock

Generate MIDI Clock