Routing Tracks to an Assignable Effects Chain


Routing tracks to an assignable effects chain allows you to assign multiple tracks to a plug-in chain.

Vegas Pro note Routing Tracks to Assignable EffectsIn order to route tracks to an assignable effects chain, you must first add an assignable effects chain to your project.

  1. Click the label on the multipurpose slider and choose the desired assignable effects chain from the menu. The button name changes to reflect the name of the selected chain.

    Vegas Pro multipurposefader Routing Tracks to Assignable Effects

Vegas Pro note Routing Tracks to Assignable EffectsIf you can’t see the multipurpose fader, drag the bottom edge of the track header to increase its height.

  1. Drag the fader to adjust the level of the track sent to the assignable effects chain.

    If you set the Dry Out faders in your effects chain to -inf, you can adjust the wet/dry balance using the Output fader in the Assignable FX control.

Vegas Pro tip Routing Tracks to Assignable EffectsTips:

  • FX sends are post-volume by default. To change to pre-volume, right-click the FX fader and choose Pre Volume from the shortcut menu.

  • If you want to apply track panning (including pan position and panning mode) to FX sends, right click the FX fader and choose Link to Main Track Pan from the shortcut menu.

    When Link to Main Track Pan is not selected, the track sends a center-panned stereo signal using the track’s current panning mode.

  • Select the Use legacy track send gain check box on the Audio page of the Preferences dialog  if you want to configure audio track sends to behave as they did in 7.0 and earlier. When the check box is selected, you can open projects created with earlier versions of and be assured they will sound the same as they did in earlier versions of .

Routing Tracks to Assignable Effects