
View Menu

From the View menu, choose Toolbar to toggle the display of the toolbar.

The toolbar contains buttons that enable you to select frequently used commands quickly. You may customize it by adding, removing, or reordering buttons.




Vegas Pro b new Toolbar


Creates a new blank project using the default settings.

Vegas Pro b open Toolbar


Opens an existing project or media file.

Vegas Pro b save Toolbar


Saves the current project.

Vegas Pro b saveas Toolbar

Save As

Saves the current project to a new name or folder. When you use Save As, you can choose to copy the project media to the same folder as your project.

Vegas Pro b renderas Toolbar

Render As

Saves your project in a new format as a single file.

Vegas Pro b properties Toolbar


Opens the Project Properties dialog box allowing you to make changes to the current project.

Vegas Pro b cut Toolbar


Deletes and copies the current event selection to the clipboard.

Vegas Pro b copy Toolbar


Copies the current event selection to the clipboard.

Vegas Pro b paste Toolbar


Pastes the contents of the clipboard at the current cursor position.

Vegas Pro b undo Toolbar


Reverses the last action performed.

Vegas Pro  Toolbar n/source/b_redo.gif" style="width:16px;height:11px" width="16" height="11" border="0">


Reverses the action of the Undo command.

Vegas Pro b snap Toolbar

Enable Snapping

Turns on snapping and enables the Snap to Grid and Snap to Markers commands.

Vegas Pro b crossfade Toolbar

Automatic Crossfades

Select this button to automatically create a crossfade when two or more events overlap.

Vegas Pro b autoripple Toolbar

Auto Ripple

Select this button and choose a mode from the drop-down list to automatically ripple the contents of the timeline following an edit after adjusting an event’s length, cutting, copying, pasting, or deleting events.

Vegas Pro b locklenvelopestoevents Toolbar

Lock Envelopes to Events

Select this button if you want envelope points to follow an event when it is moved along the timeline.

Vegas Pro b ignoreenvgroup Toolbar

Ignore Event Grouping

Select this button to override event groups without removing the groups.

Vegas Pro b edittool Toolbar

Normal Tool

Select this button to perform normal editing functions.

Vegas Pro b envelope Toolbar

Envelope Tool

Select this button when you want to edit multiple envelopes without moving the events.

Vegas Pro b select Toolbar

Selection Tool

Select this button when you want to select multiple events.

Vegas Pro b zoomtool Toolbar

Zoom Tool

Magnifies the current project.
